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starch paste中文是什么意思

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  • 淀粉糊
  • 淀粉浆糊
  • 浆糊


  • Study on the effects of esterification on the properties of triple - modified wheat starch paste
  • Cassava root is used for carbohydrate source in tropical region . quality of cassava starch is variable and affected by many factors . an attempt was made to evaluate the effect of peeling , washing and drying on starch purity and starch paste viscosity . paste viscosity were based on results of rapid visco analysis ( rva ) . the results of this study revealed that : peeling , washing and drying temperature significantly affected cassava starch purity and starch paste viscosity . the starch from unpeeling root had a dullness color , but had higher peak viscosity , trough , final viscosity , breakdown and setback than that of starch from peeling root . more washing not only increased starch purity , but also improved starch past characteristics , such as peak viscosity , trough , final viscosity , setback and pasting temperature . different drying temperature had no effect on starch whiteness . starch purity had a little increase with drying temperature increasing . in general trend , starch dried at higher temperature had higher peak viscosity , trough , breakdown , final viscosity and higher setback
    木薯在热带地区是碳水化合物的主要来源.木薯淀粉的品质受许多因素的影响.本项研究着重探讨淀粉提取过程中,削皮、水洗、干燥温度对淀粉纯度、白度和淀粉糊化粘度的影响.结果表明,未削皮的淀粉样品色发灰,但具有比削皮处理高的峰值粘度、 95最后粘度、 50时粘度、峰值降和持久性.增加水洗次数,不但能增加淀粉纯度,还可提高淀粉高峰值粘度、 95最后粘度、 50时粘度、持久性和糊化温度.不同干燥温度对淀粉白度无影响,但淀粉纯度随干燥温度的提高而稍稍增加.通常高的干燥温度有高的峰值粘度、 95最后粘度、峰值降、 50时粘度和持久性
  • The indication of other starch pasting characters are different with different sowing conditions among different varieties , that is the characters of the to varieties of wheat with high intensity gluten are the same , there exist differences between weak and high gluten varieties and the characters of two middle and weak ones are unstable
    结果表明,沿淮地区小麦基因型和播期对小麦淀粉糊化特性均有一定影响, 6个不同基因型品种的峰值粘度变化基本一致,都随播期的推迟明显有增大的趋势,其他淀粉糊化特性指标在不同播期条件下不同品种存在一定差异;在淀粉糊化特性上两个强筋小麦品种各项指标比较一致,弱筋小麦品种与强筋品种有明显差异, 2个中筋、弱筋小麦品种表现不稳定。
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